Volunteer with Barnabas Aid

Partner with us to help our suffering and persecuted family

If you share our passion for serving poor and persecuted Christians and have the time and desire to help, then we invite you to apply to become a Barnabas volunteer.

We can’t do it alone. We need your help.

Express your interest
image of ladies hugging from Ukraine

Ways you can volunteer

Church Volunteer

How Church Volunteers can help:

  • Distribute Barnabas Aid magazines and other printed materials.
  • Encourage prayer by raising items at church prayer meetings and/or through church services or notice sheets.
  • Alert your church leaders to emergency needs.
  • Promote special events such as Suffering Church Action and Awareness Week, supporters’ days and festivals that Barnabas Aid is going to.
  • Motivate individuals and your church to support Barnabas Aid and sign up to receive our Barnabas Aid magazine.

Express your interest

Prayer Group Leader

We are so grateful that many supporters already pray for the suffering and persecuted Church and in this way already partner with us in prayer. However, if you would like to create a dedicated prayer group, we invite you to become a Barnabas Prayer Group Leader. You will be provided with a Prayer Group Starter Pack, and regular prayer updates.

Express your interest

.gives Volunteer

Can you represent Barnabas Aid’s food.gives project at your local church? Collect donations of food from your church family and organise for them to be transported to one of our food.gives hubs around the UK. If you live near Swindon, Wiltshire, come and help us sort and pack the food donations in our warehouse, from where we ship them to suffering Christians worldwide.

Express your interest


We are looking for individuals who have experience in public speaking (and possibly preaching) to give a voice to Christians around the world who cannot speak for themselves.

Speakers may be approached by Barnabas Aid to speak at a few engagements a year in local churches and Christian groups that fit in with their schedule. Speakers may also initiate their own speaking engagements. You are provided with information and materials including PowerPoint presentations.

Express your interest

Sign up to volunteer

Let us know you are interested in volunteering by completing this brief form below and we will be in touch.

I would like to offer my time and abilities, where I am able to help persecuted Christians through the ministry by being a *

... I always pray with joy because of
your partnership in the gospel...

Philippians 1:4-5