We at Barnabas Aid would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and blessed new year.
Without your generous donations, sacrificial giving and committed prayer, our ministry to the suffering and persecuted Church could not continue.
Through the grace and providence of God, you have supplied the needs of thousands of His people around the world in 2024.
Suffering and persecution continue
The Bible teaches us that suffering and persecution will continue until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24).

In 2024 Barnabas Aid freed more than 200 Christian families from slavery in Pakistan’s brick kilns. God willing, this work will continue in 2025
We should not be surprised therefore, as we begin 2025, to know that many more of our brothers and sisters remain in urgent need.

In 2024 Barnabas Aid’s food.gives project delivered food and other essentials to areas of poverty and hunger in five different continents. Can you help us to continue this vital work in 2025?
You can also donate food that will be delivered to hungry believers in some of the world’s most impoverished lands – visit www.food.gives for more information.
Above all, please pray. The Lord Jesus invites us to His throne of grace, where we have confidence that He hears and welcomes our prayers on behalf of those who suffer for His Name (Hebrews 4:16).