“My husband, Imran, toils as a labourer, earning modestly, often short of meeting our family's basic needs,” explained Sumera. “The burden of educational expenses seemed impossible.”
Sumera and Imran have three children, one of whom has a visual impairment. The cost of their son’s medical treatment adds to their financial struggles.
Pakistani labourers like Imran are usually “daily wagers”, having to seek employment afresh each day. They are low paid and on some days earn nothing at all. For Christians, suffering discrimination in the workplace, it is often the hardest, dirtiest and most dangerous work they get, such as cleaning sewers. Many are illiterate, so they have little hope of ever getting a better job.

Sumera with two of her three children. Thanks to Barnabas supporters, these children are amongst thousands of Christian children who can now get an education, breaking the cycle of illiteracy and poverty
Why don’t Christians like Sumera and Imran send their children to the free government schools in Pakistan? For many Christian communities there is no government school within reach. Even if there is, it is usually a very harsh environment for the few Christian children who attend: they are subjected to discrimination and sometimes violence. Some may even be failed in their exams, simply because they believe in Jesus Christ.
But, thanks to Barnabas supporters, thousands of poor Christian children in Pakistan have the hope of better opportunities than their parents ever had.
Barnabas-funded schools giving hope for a brighter future
“This benevolent gesture from God and the school's management has been a lifeline, enabling my children to pursue education,” said Nasreen, whose children attend a Christian school, thanks to financial help from Barnabas Aid. Her husband, like Imran, is a labourer, and the family’s survival is a daily struggle.
“Though I lack formal education, my fervent wish has always been for my children to receive a quality education,” continued Nasreen, who realises that education is the way to break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy – a cycle that traps so many Christian families in Pakistan.

Your generous donations contribute towards the running costs of 121 Christian schools in Pakistan. Thanks to you, Christian children can go to school, for little or no cost, when previously they could not afford to get an education
Barnabas contributes to the running costs of 121 Christian schools in Pakistan – some big, some very small. Because of this income, the schools need only ask for minimal fees from poor Christian families. Not only do the children get an education, thus opening many doors for the future, but also they are taught their Christian faith in a loving, caring environment. They love their teachers and their schooldays.
Can you join with us to keep the blessings flowing?
Your gift will provide present joy and future hope for poor Christian children, peace of mind for their parents, and much-needed jobs for Christian teachers. When this generation of youngsters have grown up – literate and educated – they will be able to support their elderly parents, feed and educate their own children, give to their local churches and strengthen the whole Christian community.
How you can help
$18 is a typical* cost to support a Pakistani Christian child in school for a month (*cost varies with region, age of children and other factors).
$50 could cover a typical teacher’s monthly salary in a simple school in a brick-kiln area.
If you feel led by the Lord, you can also sponsor a child by giving a regular monthly gift of any size. Click here for more details.