Lebanon: Christians in crisis

4 October 2024

“This crisis is one of the heaviest we have experienced so far.” This is the assessment of a Barnabas Aid project partner in Lebanon as Christians there are plunged into a dire humanitarian disaster.

Thousands are displaced. They have been forced to flee their villages in the south to seek a small measure of safety further north. Among them are many women, children and other vulnerable people.

But many others – including church leaders – have stayed behind in the conflict zone. They are determined to stop their homes, their churches, their historic Christian lands from falling into the hands of Islamists.

War has come to Lebanon

Almost a year since the brutal Islamist atrocity that ignited the Middle East, the plight of our Christian brothers and sisters continues to worsen. In just the past few days the ongoing conflict has spilled over into Lebanon like never before.

Smoke rises from a Christian village in southern Lebanon

Christians (around a third of the population) are among the many Lebanese people who do not support the Hezbollah terrorist group. “We consider them the oppressors,” said our project partner.

Our brothers and sisters here have endured poverty for many years. Since the Port of Beirut explosion in 2020 the Lebanese economy has collapsed. Food and medicine have become almost unaffordable. Political and social institutions are in disarray. 

Now war has come to Lebanon.

Christians relying on Christians

“We can rely only on Christians,” said another Barnabas Aid contact in the country.

Camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in some areas of the north are run by Hezbollah. There are fears that any aid distributed through local government will not reach Christians.

A house in a southern Lebanese Christian village. Many have fled the conflict, but others remain to try to protect their historic lands

Most have sought refuge in the Christian-majority areas of the Mount Lebanon region. One church is already hosting 40-50 IDPs. Today they are preparing to receive around 100 more.

Those who have remained in the south can expect no humanitarian assistance from institutions controlled by Hezbollah. “There is so much shelling all around them,” says our project partner. Some fear it is too dangerous for them to make the arduous journey north.

In a religiously divided country, displaced Christians must look to their own brothers and sisters for support.

Can you help?

Only the Lord knows how long this situation will continue, but it is likely that those who have fled will be unable to return home for many months.

Residents in Christian villages in the south are already facing desperate shortages.

Those who have fled to northern Lebanon are relying on their Christian brothers and sisters for aid. Can you help?

Barnabas Aid is in contact with trusted project partners in Lebanon who we will work with to fund the supply of humanitarian aid. There are many willing volunteers, says our partner – they just need the funds.

Right now there is an urgent need for food, medicine and hygiene items. As winter closes in and temperatures fall, blankets, warm clothes and fuel will be of vital importance.

Can you provide these basic needs for Christians who have no other source of help?

Suggested donation amounts

Prices are changing all the time, but these are current estimates of how your donation could help. We are grateful for donations of any amount.

$5 could pay for one hot meal

$17 could purchase a thick blanket

$34 could purchase a mattress

$340 could pay for a cooking kit containing a burner, gas bottle, pots and other utensils

In the coming weeks we also hope to deliver aid, including dried food, blankets and clothes, into Lebanon. We will keep you informed of our plans and how you can help.

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