Political instability. High unemployment. Inflation. Lebanon’s economic crisis continues to worsen – and thousands of our Christian brothers and sisters are among the worst affected.
It is estimated that 80% of the Lebanese population is below the poverty line, and 36% live on less than £1.80 ($2.15, €2) a day.
In these spiralling conditions in Lebanon, every day believers must choose what to make do without.
Christians rationing their precious medicines
“One of the things that has suffered the most is the consistent and affordable access to medication,” reported one of our Lebanese project partners. “We have received many calls for help from Christian families.”

Hundreds of Christian families in Lebanon have received the help they need in securing medication, thanks to Barnabas funding
Our partners say that many chronically ill Christians, who require regular medication, are beginning to spread out what little medication they have in a desperate attempt to make it last longer.
Through the generosity of Barnabas supporters, we have been able to lift the burden our brothers and sisters are facing by providing the medication they need each month.
“Giving people the assurance that they are not forgotten”
“You are not only family, but a light to everyone who comes to you,” said Therese, an impoverished Lebanese believer who now receives monthly help from Barnabas Aid to cover the medical needs of her 95-year-old father and 76-year-old mother.
Through our project partners, Christians in Lebanon are receiving the help they need in securing medication that would be otherwise out of reach.

Can you help more chronically ill Christians get the medication they so desperately need?
But as the crisis worsens, we must do more.
“Your support makes a big difference not only by providing medication but by giving people the assurance that they are not forgotten,” said our project partner.
Can you help us provide medicine for more Christian families who are struggling in Lebanon?
How you can help
Inflation is soaring and the Lebanese Pound has depreciated greatly.
$20 could provide a Christian family with a month of much-needed medication
$60 could provide a Christian family with 3 months of medication
$120 could provide a Christian family with 6 months of medication
* Exchange rates and prices may vary. These are the average costs of medication at the time of writing.