Getting involved

The Bible commands us, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). Yet it isn’t always clear how to do that. Here are a few suggestions of how you can respond to the needs of suffering and persecuted Christians and help to carry their burdens.


A commitment to prayer is core to the identity and mission of Barnabas Aid. Our aim in sharing news and information about the suffering and persecuted Church is to enable you to pray on their behalf as we are instructed to do: “Be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18b).

You can pray first and foremost that persecuted Christians will be delivered from persecution. Yet we also know that anti-Christian persecution will persist until the Lord returns (Matthew 24:9; Revelation 6:9-11). It will not always be the Lord’s will to deliver His people. We must also pray, in keeping with His promises, that He will give them grace and strength to endure their suffering and sustain them in their faith.

You can use our SCAAW prayer bookmark and prayer diary, enclosed in this magazine, to guide your prayers. Or turn to our map of persecution hotspots at . You can also discover more prayer resources at .

Raise awareness

Many Christians in lands of relative safety and security may not be aware of exactly how their brothers and sisters are suffering. Others may be almost entirely unaware of the scale of anti-Christian persecution around the world.

You can help by raising awareness of the plight of the persecuted Church. Perhaps you can follow Barnabas Aid on social media, sharing our news updates and prayer requests. Maybe you could raise the needs of persecuted Christians in your small group or prayer meeting.

Another possibility is to arrange a SCAAW event using the resources in this magazine or available from .


Barnabas Aid works by channelling money from Christians, through Christians, to Christians. None of this would be possible without our supporters who give so generously and sacrificially to support the needs of the persecuted and suffering Church.

If you feel able to make a donation, then please visit or fill in the form enclosed with this magazine. You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular payment that will help meet the needs of our brothers and sisters.

Find out more about our Living Streams sponsorship programme, or download our Barnabas Gifts catalogue from to see the full range of our projects.


If you share our passion for serving poor and persecuted Christians and have the time and desire to help, then you could apply to become a Barnabas volunteer.

Please visit to find out more about serving as a church volunteer, prayer group leader, volunteer (for example, helping in one of our warehouses) or Barnabas speaker.


Our supporters frequently amaze us by the bold and imaginative ways they find to raise money to meet the needs of the suffering Church. Could you organise a fundraising event for Barnabas Aid on behalf of persecuted Christians? Visit to find out more.