How do we leave these brothers and sisters and their children in this misery, without their possessions, without food, without clothes?” This was the anguished cry to Barnabas Fund from church leaders in northern Cameroon where Boko Haram Islamist militants are wreaking havoc on Christian villages.
Looting cattle and other moveable property; burning houses, churches and food-stores; kidnapping or killing the inhabitants; Boko Haram have forced over 170,000 Cameroonians, mainly Christians, to flee (United Nations report).

Will you help Barnabas to meet the basic needs of over 2,000 destitute Christians who fled attacks on three villages last month? The village of Guitsenad was attacked on 12 January 2019 and the villages of Grossi and Toufou on 24-25 January. Around 280 homes were burned down, pillaged or otherwise wrecked, as well as a primary school, a Christian-run health centre and three church buildings.

Approximate costs are:
Sack of maize – £27 ($34; €30)
Large blanket – £6.50 ($8.50; €7.50)
Large sleeping mat – £8 ($10; €9)
Pack of soap – £2.50 ($3.50; €3)
With God’s help and your donations, we want to give each displaced Christian family two sacks of maize, two blankets, two sleeping mats and one pack of soap. The total cost, including transport and other logistics, will be £90 ($115 ; €102) per family.