Saving Forgotten Lives – what Barnabas Fund supporters have done

5 May 2020

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Thanks to the generous giving of our supporters, Barnabas Fund has sent £766,706 ($967,033; €892,155) to provide life-saving aid for Christians in 24 countries, in desperate situations due to the coronavirus lockdown. 

A pastor in India distributing Barnabas Fund aid to his church members, hungry because of Covid-19 lockdown

Quarter of a million Christians fed

Many low-paid daily-wage earners have lost their meagre incomes and are locked down at home without food. We have sent food aid for more than 250,000 Christians.

Many live in crowded conditions where it is impossible to keep a safe distance to avoid infection. We have provided hygiene products for more than 14,000 Christians.  

Pastors supported by the Sunday offerings of their congregations are suddenly destitute, when people can no longer gather for worship. We have sent support to more than 6,400 church leaders to provide for them and their families’ basic needs.

“This morning I was mourning but now I am smiling”

A pastor in Bangladesh shared with us this comment from one of his congregation who received food aid: “This morning I was mourning but now I am smiling because I know what life without food is and life with food. Praise God. Thank you so much. May God bless you abundantly.” 

We are very thankful to God for all that has been achieved, but conscious that the lockdown crisis continues in many countries. On top of this, locust swarms are multiplying in East Africa and Pakistan and anti-Christian violence continues in many contexts. 

To find out more, please visit Saving Forgotten Lives.

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