“Assisting a farmer to farm cassava will be life transforming,” said our project partners in Uganda.
An estimated 86% of Kasese district in western Uganda rely on growing cassava and matooke (plantain) to sustain themselves. The Christian-majority largely survives on their own harvests of these crops. But yields have become very low. Old varieties are still being grown, the soil is exhausted, pests are a problem, and people do not know the best modern ways to farm, especially in current weather conditions. More and more Christian families are struggling with hunger and malnutrition.
Our partner emailed us on Wednesday to share that Uganda is “currently going through a severe drought. We hope the rains will begin in mid-March. It is my humble request that you continue standing with us in prayer.”
Cassava – the ‘drought, war and famine crop’
Cassava is known as “the drought, war and famine crop” as it can be grown in challenging conditions. It can also be harvested throughout the year, so it isn’t dependent on waiting for a single time in the year.
“Cassava is a great plant to farm for vulnerable Christian communities because the plant has a higher economic value,” he continued.

Cassava - the "drought, war and famine crop" can be grown in challenging conditions and harvested as needed throughout the year. With God's help and yours, we can provide enough cuttings for 14,000 Christian families to grow, which will provide larger and better yields
The cassava leaves can be cooked for food and the root (tubers) can be used for not only food, but any surplus can be sold on for the starch to be used in food processing. The stems of the plant can be used as firewood and the skin can be repurposed, twisted and woven into ropes.
If farmers have better yields, they will be able to sell more of their produce and earn some income, God willing.
With your support, Barnabas Aid will provide cuttings of better varieties of cassava and matooke for 14,000 Christian families, who will also be trained how to tend their growing crops more effectively.
Later each family will train two other families, and provide them with cuttings from their own new plants. In time, if all goes well, 42,000 families will benefit.
How you can help
£20 ($24; €22) could provide enough cuttings of cassava and matooke (plantain) and training for ten Christian families to grow both crops efficiently.