Help urgently needed for Myanmar Christians forced to flee military attacks

7 March 2025

“A total of 1,500 houses have been destroyed, leaving families homeless and struggling to survive,” said our project partner in Myanmar in an email to Barnabas.

Five Christian villages close to the Myanmar border with India have been laid waste following repeated air strikes and bombardments by the country’s military.

Around 7,500 villagers from these farming communities have been forced to flee, including many who are elderly or very young. Families are seeking shelter wherever they can – in churches, school buildings or camps for displaced people – but they are constantly having to move to avoid further attacks.

Can you help these Christian villagers whose homes have been destroyed by military air strikes and bombardments?

The rice fields upon which they rely for sustenance lie abandoned. The need for basic food supplies is urgent.

These faithful believers are among the latest victims of anti-Christian attacks carried out by the military. The number of such attacks has increased since February 2021 when the military took power in a coup.

Four years on, the need remains undiminished. “With daily threats from war, their lives remain uncertain and unsafe,” added our partner. “A grave humanitarian crisis is unfolding,”

Unwavering devotion

Yet one certainty remains for our brothers and sisters, and that is their love for our Saviour Jesus Christ.

“Wherever they take refuge, they gather to worship, pray, and support one another spiritually, demonstrating their unwavering devotion, even amid the hardships of war and insecurity,” said our partner.

Barnabas is working with our project partners who will deliver rice, cooking oil, beans and salt to the families.

Families from these devastated Myanmar villages are supporting one another spiritually. Can you help us to relieve their suffering?

Could you consider donating towards the cost of these essential food items?

Above all, could you please pray for our brothers and sisters, asking the Lord to strengthen and protect them (2 Thessalonians 3:3)?

“In the midst of this darkness, the support and prayers of Barnabas Aid and our fellow believers have been a light of hope for us,” wrote our project partners. “We do not know how long this suffering will continue, but we humbly ask that you continue to pray for us, remember us, and stand with us.”

How you can pray

Our Father in Heaven, we pray on behalf of Your children who are suffering because of a war they did not start. We cry out for the bereaved, the injured, the displaced, and all who are suffering. Please protect them, and fill them with the peace of knowing that You are their shelter in the storm, with them always to the end of the age (Proverbs 10:25; Matthew 28:20). We ask this in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

How you can give

£5.50 ($6.60; $6) could pay for 12kg of rice

£31 ($37; €34) could pay for a food parcel containing 48kg of rice, 1.65kg of chickpeas, two litres of cooking oil and a packet of cooking salt that could sustain a family for one month

£155 ($186; €170) could provide five families with a food parcel each

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Myanmar (Burma)