Hunger crisis worsens: Can you help us rise to the challenge?

9 August 2024

“Only God knows how we are going to survive until the next harvest next year,” said Georgina, a farmer in the Mudzi district of Christian-majority Zimbabwe.  

“I did not harvest anything after all my effort and using all our savings to buy seeds.” 

Zimbabwe is one of several southern African countries suffering a worsening hunger crisis caused by an ongoing drought. 

Christian children in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe remains in an ongoing state of emergency, declared in April 2024 because of persistent drought and desperate food shortages

“The worst period comes now,” reports a humanitarian expert from the World Food Programme. “People haven't been able to pick anything – and the problem is the next harvest is only in April 2025.” 

“Most of us have no food in our homes,” says one impoverished Zimbabwean. Another adds, “Imagine hearing your children crying from hunger when you cannot do anything about it.” 

Hunger, malnutrition and starvation 

International experts report that the drought in southern Africa is the worst to hit the region for more than a century.  

And southern Africa is just one region of the world suffering from a worsening hunger crisis. 

Impoverished Christians in Fiji are among those sustained through Can you help us continue this vital work around the world?

Many other parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East are also bearing the brunt of food shortages, hunger, malnutrition and even starvation – the result of weather extremes, inflation and worsening armed conflict. 

The crisis calls for a global response. Through our project, we are trying to do our part for the millions of our Christian brothers and sisters among those at risk of hunger-related illness and death. 

But we need your help. 

“Nothing short of life saving” 

“Your contribution has been nothing short of life saving, providing much-needed nutrition, especially protein, to communities facing a devastating drought.”  

These were the words of our project partners in Zimbabwe who oversaw a distribution that provided nearly half a million servings of lentils to 11,600 hungry Christians earlier this year. Distribution was carried out through a network of 39 churches and Christian organisations. 

But more needs to be done. As the crisis continues, so our response must continue. aid is unloaded in Jordan. Can you help us to deliver even more? is your opportunity to share your food with hungry believers around the world. We ship food from lands where food is more plentiful, to Christian communities in lands of scarcity. 

Could you prayerfully consider whether you could donate food to nourish and sustain our hungry brothers and sisters? Or maybe, if the Lord leads, you could donate towards the cost of shipping and distribution?  

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