Deborah Samuel, a Christian student, was stoned and clubbed to death by a mob of Muslim extremists at her college in Sokoto State, Nigeria, on 12 May. Eight days later the Myanmar military burned down almost every home in the mainly Christian village of Chaung Yoe.
A rising tide of violence is engulfing vulnerable Christian minorities in Nigeria, Myanmar and many other countries.
Please join with Barnabas Aid to bring practical help to persecuted believers.

Barnabas-funded aid is delivered to Christians displaced by violence in Myanmar. Can you help us to do more?
- Food, soap, blankets, sleeping mats, mosquito nets – these are the things needed by survivors of violent attacks on Christian villages in Myanmar and Burkina Faso.
- Metal roofing sheets, timber and nails – this is what Nigerian Christians need to repair their homes after a violent attack.
- Food and rent – this is what Afghan Christians need, who have fled from the Taliban to nearby countries. This is also what a widow and her three children in South-East Asia need, after villagers chased them out and destroyed their home when the family became Christians.
- One-way airfares – this is what a Syrian Christian family, greatly persecuted by Islamist militants, need when they have obtained visas to re-settle permanently in a safe country.
- Emergency financial support for a few weeks – this is what a bereaved Christian family in Pakistan needs when their breadwinner has been martyred.
- A new borewell to increase the village water supply – this is what a Christian village in Cameroon needs when they welcome survivors from another Christian village that was attacked.
- Running costs of a safe house – this is what Christian women, girls or converts need when they are targeted for kidnapping, abuse or other violence in Kenya, Uganda or Pakistan.

Can you help us to continue supplying food and the cost of rent to Afghan Christians who have been forced to flee?
Rekindling faith
Praise God with us for how He multiplies the blessing of these practical gifts. For aid items also strengthen the faith of our persecuted brothers and sisters, as they see their prayers answered through the gifts of fellow Christians.
“What you have done is rekindle faith in our people that indeed God cares and He is always with us in our suffering,” said a Nigerian pastor distributing maize, beans, rice, blankets, sleeping mats, roofing sheets and buckets to survivors of an anti-Christian attack.
Comforting in grief and pain
“Many displaced people are comforted in their grief and pain,” came a message from Cameroon to Barnabas Aid describing the impact of food and fertiliser, sheep and goats, wells and boreholes. “Reassure your donors that [their gifts] greatly help and encourage these displaced people in distress.”

Practical supplies are distributed by Barnabas Aid's partners to Christian victims of violence in Kaduna State, Nigeria
A gift to our Victims of Violence Fund will be used to help any such project which has insufficient direct donations. For example:
£9 ($11; €11) could provide 12kg of wheat flour for a displaced Christian family in Ethiopia
£27 ($34; €32) could rent a room for a month for a Christian family in South-East Asia chased out of their village
£35 ($44; €41) could provide rice, pasta, cooking oil and salt to feed a displaced family in Burkina Faso for two months
£2,795 ($3,500; €3,290) could provide a hand-dug well for a village in Cameroon hosting displaced Christians