Become a regular hope-giver

Support suffering Christians with a monthly gift of hope

We are so thankful for our supporters’ faithful support and generosity over the course of many years. Thanks to your prayers and gifts through the last three decades, we’ve helped suffering and persecuted Christians in 109 countries. 

This practical help has included emergency support following natural disasters; supplying food and water; aid for converts and victims of violence; sponsoring education and small businesses; providing Christian literature; and support and training for church leaders. 

None of this would be possible without you.

Barnabas exists to provide hope and aid from Christians, through Christians, to Christians. In a world plagued by discrimination and persecution against our brothers and sisters, we invite you to make a difference and go further to help believers around the world who suffer because of their faith.

Make a lasting impact through regular giving

We ask you to prayerfully consider if you can give a regular gift in order to help provide solace, strength and renewed hope for Christians amidst their trials. Whether you choose to give to a specific need, a particular country or one of our sponsorship projects through Living Streams, the impact of regular giving cannot be overstated.

Regularly contributing through Direct Debit or standing order to our ministry helps keep our administrative costs down. This means more money reaches the suffering Christians we serve, helping us to be responsible stewards of what the Lord entrusts to us through you. 

What’s more, regular giving helps us to plan our aid to the suffering Church, contributing to long-term projects such as Christian schools or apprenticeships and vocational training that continue making a positive difference decades into the future. 

Can you become a continuous source of encouragement to Christians in need?

As you can see, your continued support will not only alleviate immediate needs but also empower Christian individuals and communities to rebuild their lives and stand strong in the face of persecution.

So can you become a regular hope-giver? 

We invite you to join our mission of providing hope and aid to suffering Christians. Please consider whether you can contribute a regular gift, large or small. Your pledge will help to sustain, support and strengthen needy Christians living under pressure and persecution. 

As a part of the family of God, you can stand with us and make a difference for our suffering family all around the world.

Go further with Gift Aid

Boost your donations by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. Your pledge could be boosted by a further 25% by declaring Gift Aid if you’re a UK taxpayer. It doesn’t cost you anything - just tick the box on the Gift Aid Declaration form in this magazine, and include your name and address.