“God is my refuge, and I believe things will get better.” These were the words of “Amina”, a 27-year-old Christian who was abducted and held by members of Islamic State Mozambique Province from February 2020 to August 2023.
Amina was one of three women who spoke to journalists about their experience in captivity. She and the others recounted shocking details of abuse and sexual violence.
“I believe in God,” continued Amina. “I still believed that God was in control when I had no hope there and was seeing others being killed.”

Praying for our brothers and sisters is one way that we can bear their burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ [Image credit: Thirdman]
Amina still bears the physical and mental trauma of what she has experienced. She describes nightmares and panic attacks – “I feel better, but I never feel really free.”
Yet Amina’s testimony is of a faith in the Lord that is sustaining her in the aftermath of an ordeal most of us cannot begin to comprehend.
Fulfilling the law of Christ
Amina’s faith is not something developed in isolation. “The church helps me a lot,” she says. The women in her congregation hug her and speak words of comfort. She credits her pastor with helping her to find a place to live.
Many suffering and persecuted Christians around the world can tell a similar story of finding comfort in Christ and in fellowship with other Christians.
The Church, though, is not just local – we are a worldwide family of brothers and sisters “from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9), and we are instructed, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
The mission of Barnabas Aid is to do just this on behalf of our global Church family.
With your help and generous giving we are able to send practical aid to suffering Christians in many lands. We provide updates on the persecuted Church so that you can pray for our brothers and sisters. Even those of them who do not have their own congregations – those in prison, secret believers, and others – can be blessed by the intercession of believers that they will never in this life meet.
Together we can fulfil the law of Christ, and bring the comfort of Christ to His persecuted children around the world.