Two Christians died and four others were seriously injured on Sunday 15 April when attackers on motorbikes opened fire on worshippers leaving a church service in the southern Pakistani city of Quetta.
The latest terror attack follows a similar shooting on Easter Monday (2 April 2018), when armed men on a motorcycle shot and killed four Christians in the Shah Zaman neighbourhood of the city. Islamic State (IS) later claimed responsibility. One of those killed was Rahib Khalid, whose family receive food parcels in a feeding programme financed by Barnabas Fund.

In March, a Pakistani Christian leader warned that war in the Middle East could trigger attacks on Christians in Pakistan and Sunday’s shooting is seen by some Pakistani Christians as probable “retaliation” by Muslim extremists for Western government’s action in Syria on 14 April.
The Christian community in Quetta were also targeted on 17 December 2017, when IS terrorists attacked a pre-Christmas service at Bethel Memorial Methodist Church, killing nine and leaving more than 50 Christians injured.
Global Christian News