A ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas came into effect on Sunday 19 January. At the time of writing, military action in the Gaza Strip has halted. Give thanks that some Israeli hostages have been released, and pray that any who remain in captivity will also be allowed home. Ask that urgently needed aid will be able to enter Gaza. Intercede for Christians, who are a despised minority in the region, asking that the Lord will provide for their physical needs and sustain them in their faith.
Be close, dear Jesus, to all who are despised and rejected by their society because they trust You as their Saviour and follow You as their Lord. Comfort with Your presence those who face mockery and contempt from all around them, who are falsely accused or whose actions and motives are misunderstood. May they be encouraged by remembering that You also bore disgrace when You lived on Earth, and that You understand their hurt and distress. May they remember at all times that they are sons and daughters of the King of kings, redeemed and beloved, for whom a place in heaven has been prepared. (Hebrews 13:13)
Praise God that we have been able to free another 213 Christian families from bonded labour in Pakistan’s brick kilns. Impoverished brick kiln workers often have no choice but to take loans from their employer at times of crisis, but low wages and high interest payments keep them bonded to the brick kilns as slaves. Nine-year-old Jennifer saw her father threatened, and later the whole family were effectively sold to another brick kiln. “I would pray, ‘May God help us that these loans are paid off that we might have a life,’” she said. Now her father’s debts have been paid, and Jennifer is attending a Barnabas-funded school. “I am thankful to God,” she says. Pray that this work continues, so more families like Jennifer’s can be free.
“Barnabas Aid has shown such profound love for my family,” exclaimed Shamim. “It’s as though God sent them to rescue us from slavery!” Shamim and her family were among the 213 that have been set free by Barnabas from bonded labour in Pakistan’s brick kilns. The family had no choice but to take a loan from their employer to pay for medical treatment for Shamim’s husband, but sadly he died from his illness. Shamim and her son were left bonded to the brick kiln like slaves. “I can’t express how thankful we are for the timely relief that has freed us from our debt,” she added. Join Shamim in her thanksgiving.
A January 2025 report has concluded that nearly 90% of people in Afghanistan are without sufficient food, and that 84% have lost access to healthcare since the Taliban returned to power in September 2021. “The bleak conditions in the country have worsened in such a way that nearly everyone irrespective of their background appears to be negatively affected,” said the report’s authors. Only the Lord knows how many Christians remain in Afghanistan. They share in these sufferings, as well as living with the constant risk of being killed for their faith. Ask the Lord to provide for all those suffering in Afghanistan, and to particularly care for His people.
Many Christians in Algeria are forced to meet for worship unlawfully. The Algerian authorities must issue permits for churches to be able to operate, but despite numerous requests no permits have been granted. Many church buildings have been ordered to close, with some physically sealed to prevent the congregation from entering. Lift up in prayer these brothers and sisters, asking that the Lord will make a way for them to continue serving and worshipping Him despite the opposition they face.
Political instability that has followed the collapse of Sheikh Hasina’s government in August 2024 has led to concerns of an increase in Islamist extremism in Bangladesh. Extremists within the country’s Muslim majority have attacked Christians and Hindus. Islamist political party Jamaat-e-Islami hopes to increase its influence at the next elections, which have yet to be scheduled. Ask the Lord to strengthen and protect His people (2 Thessalonians 3:3). Pray for a political settlement in Bangladesh that respects the rights of all.
Humanitarian experts have highlighted a “forgotten crisis” in Burkina Faso, largely driven by jihadists and other armed groups. In January 2025 the Norwegian Refugee Council reiterated that the country is “the world’s most neglected displacement crisis”. More than two million people have been forced to leave their homes because of continuing violence, with many cut off from receiving aid. Many Christians are among those who have fled. Petition the Lord to bring an end to the violence and instability, for the sake of all people, but especially our brothers and sisters who have even more to fear from Islamists than others.
Heavenly Father, we ask You to comfort Christians who suffer from discrimination and marginalisation. We pray for those who are deprived of employment opportunities, for children denied education, and for all kept in poverty and destitution. We pray that You will grant justice to those kept in poverty and confirm to them that they are the head and not the tail as they live in obedience to You, following the supreme example of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose Name we pray. (Deuteronomy 28:13, ESV)
Church leaders in the city of Xiamen, on China’s south-east coast, say that church members are growing more fearful of persecution. “Believers are concerned about participating more, being more visible or interacting more with others,” said one pastor. “May God help believers live more securely in him, and shine out with the gifts he has given each as they faithfully serve him.” Join with our brother in prayer, asking that the Lord will give both wisdom and boldness to His people in Xiamen and across China.
At least 53 Christians were killed in a single day of violence in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. They were among nearly 140 believers slaughtered in a wave of attacks across North Kivu and its neighbouring province of Ituri between Christmas 2024 and the final week of January. Attacks of this type have been carried out regularly by Islamic State Central Africa Province (ISCAP, also known as the Allied Democratic Forces) for several years, but have recently increased in scale and frequency. Pray that the Lord will deliver His people from the hands of their enemies, from those who pursue them (Psalm 31:15).
“I can barely buy enough rice or pasta for myself,” said Mariam, a widow in Cairo. Her situation is typical of widows in Egypt’s marginalised Christian community. Christian widows and orphans here are among the most vulnerable groups. They face significant social and economic hardship, and many are without pensions or any form of financial security. Intercede for those who have no earthly source of support, and please pray for Barnabas Aid’s efforts to provide them with the food that they need.
“Whenever you go into prison, they don’t tell you how long you will stay.” These were the words of an Eritrean pastor, who spent eight years in prison before being released and fleeing to Ethiopia with his family. The pastor describes forced labour, cramped and overcrowded cells, beatings and torture. Only the Lord knows how many Christians have been detained for their faith, and who are now suffering in the same way. Ask that the Lord will sustain our brothers and sisters in Eritrea’s prisons with a peace that is beyond human understanding (Philippians 4:7).
Figures released in January 2025 indicate that the number of displaced people in Haiti has trebled to more than one million. The displacements are caused by armed criminal gangs, who control much of the country, including an estimated 85% of the capital Port-au-Prince. In 2024 more than 5,600 people were killed in gang violence. Pray for the resolution to the ongoing crisis, and lift up our Haitian Christian family who in many cases are suffering hunger, homelessness and the fear of attack.
Many Indonesian Christians are facing severe socio-economic challenges, including limited access to education, employment, healthcare and even basic infrastructure. This marginalisation goes hand-in-hand with discrimination – often promises of food, shelter and education are made only to those who renounce their faith. Cry out to the Lord on behalf of those who are being coerced to renounce Christ, asking that He will prevent their enemies from snatching them out of His hand (John 10:28). Please pray for a Barnabas-funded feeding project that, God willing, will provide food to impoverished Christian families.
Sovereign Lord Jesus, the Bread of Life, we intercede for communities around the world whose lives are a daily struggle to find bread to feed their families. We thank You that You are the great provider and that in You we find spiritual and physical sustenance. We pray that You will direct resources to strengthen Your Church in regions where food is lacking. Please give Your people their daily bread, strengthening them to accomplish Your will and glorify Your wonderful Name, in which we offer our prayer. (John 6:35; Psalm 34:10)
More than 40 Christians in Iran were arrested in December 2024 for taking part in Christmas celebrations. Arrests of Farsi (Persian)-speaking Christians are a regular occurrence in Iran, but there are often more arrests at Christmas and Easter as a means of preventing believers from meeting in unrecognised “house churches”. Farsi-speaking Christians are converts from Islam – that is, apostates. Unlike the historic Christian communities of Iran they are not allowed to worship. Intercede for our recently arrested brothers and sisters, and pray for a day when all Christians in Iran will be allowed to worship freely.
The parliament of Iraq has passed an amendment that gives Islamic courts more power to decide on family matters such as marriage and the care of children. Among other concerns, legal experts have said that the amendment could give courts the authority to permit child marriages. Iraq’s law sets the minimum age for marriage at 18 in most cases, but the Jaafari school of Islam that is widely followed in Iraq permits marriage for children as young as nine. The elevation of Islamic courts could also further marginalise religious minorities, including Iraq’s beleaguered Christian community. Pray that our God, who loves justice (Psalm 11:7), will ensure that justice is done for the poor and vulnerable in Iraq.
It is virtually impossible for a smaller church in Kazakhstan to register legally, as the Religion Law passed in 2011 requires churches to have at least 50 members locally, 500 regionally and 5,000 nationally. This is just one of many legal restrictions imposed on Christians in the Muslim-majority Central Asian country, where Muslim-background believers especially experience hostility. Pray that believers will receive wisdom to adapt to such demanding government regulations. Pray that the government will see Christians as a force for good and be persuaded to loosen restrictions on religious freedom.
Kenya’s proposed Religious Organisations Law was withdrawn in November 2024 to allow time for further discussion and “consensus building”. The aim of the draft legislation is to curb religious extremism, but church leaders had raised concerns about tightening restrictions and greater government oversight of places of worship. Ask that the Lord will guide the Kenyan authorities in combating extremism without damaging religious freedom.
Praise the Lord that the Church in Kyrgyzstan is growing despite restrictive laws limiting the activities of Christians. The law already imposes tight controls on missionary activity and censors religious literature. A new religion law passed its first reading in parliament in December 2024. Among its restrictions, for a church to be registered, the number of adult founder members proven to be resident in a single region has been increased from 200 to 500. Pray for guidance for church leaders to navigate the demands of the imposing new law and encourage their congregations to be faithful even as government pressure intensifies.
Christians in Laos have since 2019 the right to conduct services, preach throughout the country and establish contacts with believers abroad, according to the “Law on the Evangelical Church”. The law is not effectively enforced in rural areas, however, as local authorities have sometimes banned house churches, even tearing down buildings in which Christians were meeting. The vague wording of a 2017 decree that prohibits “associations” from disturbing “social order” or “national harmony” is interpreted loosely to target Christians. Pray that the Laos government’s commitment to freedom of worship will become a reality throughout the country and rural authorities will relent from harassment of Christians.
Heavenly Father, we pray for those in different countries afflicted by natural disasters. We ask You to draw close to those suffering the effects of floods, drought, tropical storms and earthquakes. We ask for the provision of food, medicine and shelter to those most in need. We intercede especially for Christian communities affected and pray that they will know Your presence with them even as they pass through the deepest waters. We pray that, as they develop trust in You, they will be a comfort and a guiding light to others to point them to the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose Name we pray. (Isaiah 43:2)
The ceasefire between Israel and the Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah that brought a halt to hostilities in Lebanon is, at the time of writing, appearing increasingly fragile. Hezbollah is accused of failing to withdraw fully from southern Lebanon, while Israel is accused of continuing to strike targets within Lebanon. Pray for Lebanon’s Christians, caught in the middle of this conflict, asking that whether or not the ceasefire holds they will find their refuge in the Lord, who is a stronghold in times of trouble (Psalm 9:9).
Concerns have been raised about the impact in Libya of the introduction of a Public Morality Protection unit, also referred to as the “morality police”. Christians are among those who may be at risk from greater repression and more extensive application of sharia (Islamic law). “Such laws could further isolate Libya’s Christian minority and increase their vulnerability,” said a regional expert. Pray for the safety of Christians in Libya, and all who may be vulnerable to this tightening of restrictions.
The governments of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have joined forces to create a 5,000-strong joint force to combat the Islamist insurgency in the West African Sahel. Terrorist groups affiliated to Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) and Al Qaeda have killed thousands, displaced millions, and seized large portions of territory. Anti-terrorism experts have reported that the Islamic State Sahel Province has begun to establish a “pseudo-state” in parts of Mali, where they have established Islamic courts and schools. Ask that the Lord will scatter the jihadists who have created a stronghold for themselves in this region of Africa (Psalm 68:1).
Praise God for Mauritania’s small Christian community, who are courageous witnesses of His grace in a country of immense hardship for any non-Muslims. Only 40 years ago Mauritania was thought to be the only country on Earth with no indigenous believers. The exact number today cannot be confirmed, but it could be as many as 8,000. Pray that the Lord will bless Mauritania’s Christians, and encourage them despite the hostility they so often experience.
At least three Christians were killed in separate attacks in Cabo Degado, northern Mozambique in the opening weeks of 2025. In two of the incidents fighters with machine guns from Islamic State Mozambique (IS-M) raided villages. In the other, on Sunday 19 January, IS-M militants captured “an infidel Christian” and subjected him to an execution-style killing. IS-M is estimated to have killed more than 1,800 Christians in northern Mozambique since the beginning of an insurgency in October 2017. Pray that the Lord will protect His people as He has promised (Proverbs 2:8), and that He will bring even those who persecute the Church to repentance.
Nine people, including seven children, were killed when the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) bombed a church in Kachin State near the border with China in late 2024. Eleven others were critically injured. In January 2025 international experts raised concerns about the deteriorating condition in Myanmar, noting the disproportionate impact of military action on marginalised groups such as Kachin, Chin and Karen Christians, as well as Rohingya Muslims. Pray that the Lord will comfort our brothers and sisters who are mourning the loss of loved ones in Kachin State. Ask for an end to the targeting of civilians.
Lord Jesus Christ, we cry out to You, our Prince of Peace, as we consider the suffering caused by various wars and conflicts around the world. We recognise that true peace can be achieved only with Your peace in human hearts and ask You to direct warring parties onto pathways of peace and righteousness. We ask You to work through those who trust in You to bring about peaceful resolution to these conflicts. Please protect Christians and others caught amid hostilities not of their making and direct those displaced to refuge and support, for we ask in Your Holy Name. (Isaiah 9:6)
The Church in Nepal has taken significant strides in the last few decades with an estimated 1.5 million believers in the former Hindu kingdom, despite laws opposed to such growth. A ban on “hurting religious sentiment” is interpreted to make any public expression of faith in Christ illegal. It is also prohibited to seek to convert a follower of a religion that has been “practised since ancient times”, affording protection to Hindus and Buddhists but excluding Christians, most of whom are recent converts. Pray that the Church will continue to grow despite such obstacles, and that Christians will be granted justice where facing baseless accusations of forced conversions.