“I am thankful to God for those people who have opened this school so children like me can study easily,” says Amber.
She is one of more than 11,000 poor Christian children attending Christian schools in Pakistan supported by Barnabas Fund. With Barnabas’ contribution to the running costs the schools can charge minimal fees, which are affordable for their parents who work in low-paid jobs such as labouring, domestic service, or brick kilns.
The free schools provided by the Pakistani government are usually very tough for Christian children, who are discriminated against and referred to by the offensive term chuhra. They have to study Islam. The Christian children are made to feel so inferior and the pressures are so great that some drop out of education altogether, as their parents cannot afford private schools.

Nancy, whose father is a brick-kiln labourer. Nancy and more than 11,000 other Christian children are studying at 120 Christian schools in Pakistan, thanks to the donations of Barnabas supporters. Your continued support is vital
Happy in a loving Christian atmosphere
But at the Christian schools supported by Barnabas, the atmosphere is loving and Christian.
The children adore their teachers, always praising their kindness and dedication. “I remember them in my daily prayers,” says Amber. She is so pleased that her widowed mother no longer has to worry about how to pay for her daughter’s education.
Hope for the future
Mohsin’s father is a hardworking labourer but cannot earn enough to pay for his children’s education. Mohsin hopes to have a better job and says, “When I become a doctor, I will tell everyone how my church, my school and my teachers supported me to become the person I always dreamed of being.”
The Christian schools not only give hope to individual children. They also give hope for the whole Church in Pakistan. Your gift will strengthen the Church in the future, as a generation of youngsters grows up well educated and strong in the Lord.

Sagar and his siblings had to drop out of school because their parents could not afford the fees. But now they all study at a Barnabas-supported school. Sagar says, “May God bless you so that you can further support poor students like me. Amen.”
Currently Barnabas assists 120 Christian schools in Pakistan, some big, some small. More are applying to us for support. Please give today.
$17 is a typical* cost to support a Pakistani Christian child in school for a month (*cost varies with region, age of children and other factors)
$48 could cover a typical teacher’s monthly salary in a simple school in a brick-kiln area
$106 could provide books, exercise books, slates, pencils and other stationery for 20 children for one year in a brick-kiln school
We also have a sponsorship programme. You can become a Living Streams sponsor through a regular monthly gift of any size. Click here for more details.