Continued aid for Christian survivors of persecution in Nigeria

4 August 2023

Tens of thousands of Christians are in need of aid as extremist attacks and violent persecution escalates.

“I didn’t get to see him. They killed him brutally and his body was mutilated.” Nanbam’s husband, Barnabas, was a church leader who was killed in Mangu County, Plateau State on 16 May by a co-ordinated terrorist attack.

Her family is one amongst thousands who have fled to safety after another barrage of anti-Christian attacks in recent months. Christians living in northern and Middle Belt Nigeria deal with extremism and violence every day.

Murder and mutilation.

Church destruction.

Kidnappings and martyrdoms.

Vandalism of symbols of Christianity.

This is the everyday reality for our brothers and sisters in these parts of Nigeria. And it’s been escalating for decades. Those who don’t run are killed.

Our supporters have answered many of our calls to help Nigerian believers. However, as violent persecution continues, so does the need to care for and give hope to those who live in fear. Many were forced to flee with nothing, and need food and essentials to survive.

Many Christian families and children in Nigeria are in desperate need due to persecution and displacement

Let us not grow weary of doing good for Christians in Nigeria

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Galatians 6:9

A Nigerian village head had told Barnabas Aid three years ago, “We are tired and we do not want to bother others about our tragedies. We seem always to be reporting deaths and attacks, and people are weary of our reports.”

Thank you for your continued support of our work to help suffering Christians in Nigeria. Let us not tire of doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:13), and let us do what we can to help.

Despite their grief, Nanbam and her children continue to worship in the midst of persecution in Nigeria

When asked if the loss of her husband had affected her faith, Nanbam said, "It has only strengthened my faith in the Lord. I cannot lose here on earth as well as in Heaven. My focus is on the Lord."

Please pray for our embattled brothers and sisters in Nigeria. Though they grow weary from the unrelenting persecution, their faith does not. 

If you can give anything to help, thank you.

How you can help

Please donate Christian survivors of persecution in Nigeria need food and shelter to survive after fleeing attacks.

$16 could provide a bag of cement to help efforts to rebuild homes in safer areas

$78 bcould provide a sack of maize

$160 could provide a sack of beans

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