“I can do without food myself, but I cannot let my children go hungry.”
A weeping Lebanese mother shared her need with another Christian woman in her village. Well educated and previously well off, someone who used to help others, the mother was reduced to desperate poverty by the crises that have battered Lebanon for the last two years.
From this mother’s tears has grown a wonderful women’s ministry on Mount Lebanon, responding with practical help to the needs of those around as Lebanon’s economic plight grows ever worse.

Your gifts provide food and medication to desperate Lebanese Christians
Ask and it will be given to you”
Prayer undergirds all that the women do. The needs were soon far too great for their meagre resources, but they laid their problem before the Lord. As soon as they had finished praying, news came of Barnabas Fund’s donation. This inspired them to organise and extend their ministry much further.
“We live like this every day,” they said to Barnabas Fund, describing their constant experience of God answering their prayers for specific needs.
Food, nappies and medication are the main items they provide, for the basic necessities of life have become unaffordable – or unavailable. Even getting Vaseline to soothe the bleeding skin of a boy with a severe chronic skin condition is a major challenge.
The situation is getting even worse. The women’s group used to receive donations from Lebanese Christians but these have dried up as the economic catastrophe deepens. Selling possessions to raise funds is no longer an option, as no one has money to buy them.
Your help is needed more urgently than ever.

This shop is one of many small Christian-owned businesses and homes which Barnabas Fund has helped to repair since the explosion in Beirut on 4 August 2020. But many more still need help
Your gifts an answer to their prayers
Your gifts, sent through Barnabas Fund, have been an answer to the prayers of many Lebanese Christians. They are providing food parcels for hungry families and medicines for the sick. They are funding repairs for homes and small businesses damaged in last August’s enormous explosion in Beirut.
Above all, your gifts are bringing hope and building faith.
Costs are fluctuating all the time, but typical amounts are:
Family food parcel – $54
Cost of repairing a home – $760