Help Brazilian Christians in the wake of devastating floods

9 May 2024

“After days of rain and floods, we and the children from the orphanage are safe, but the situation is desperate,” said Daniel, who leads a church in Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil.

Devastating floods have hit the region, with waters rising to terrifying and record-breaking levels. Daniel explained that even though they had managed to move everything to a higher floor in their church, the waters completely engulfed the building. They have lost everything.

Water levels have risen dramatically in Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil, engulfing and even sweeping away bridges. Our brothers and sisters need assistance in the midst of this devastation

More than 300 cities have been affected in the southernmost regions of Brazil, leaving over 80,000 people homeless at last count. The numbers keep climbing, almost as rapidly as the water levels.

Bridges have been swept away and dams have burst, prompting the authorities to evacuate families where possible. More than 100 hospitals are either already underwater or barely functioning.

More than 300 cities have been affected by the floods in southern Brazil. At last count, 80,000 people have been left homeless

But even in the midst of despair, our brothers and sisters remain steadfast in their faith. “Our region is destroyed. But we know that despite all circumstances, the Lord remains on the throne, sovereign and suffering with us through all of this! Please pray for us,” requested Daniel.

Barnabas stands ready to help

“[We] opened a shelter for 100 people on Sunday, which quickly filled up. We are opening another shelter for 200 people in a warehouse across the street,” explained Pastor Rogério, whose church has been doing its best to help those in need.

He told our project partner that the situation is only getting worse, with nearby lakes swelling as large amounts of water from tributaries in the Taquari Valley continue to flow from the mountain ranges in Rio Grande do Sul.

Pastor Rogério and his church have opened a shelter to give refuge to those who have lost their homes in the flood. This shelter is likely to remain open for the next couple of months

This is not the first flood that Brazilian believers in this region have had to withstand. In September 2023, the Taquari River and its tributaries flooded, with the water level rising to nearly 30 metres above normal. However, in just the last few days, it is already over 33 metres. Though the rains have temporarily stopped and water levels are slowly dropping in some areas, it is expected that an extratropical cyclone will hit the region in a matter of days, bringing further destruction.

Events are repeating themselves – some communities have now been severely flooded twice. Our Christian family needs help to endure this unfolding tragedy. Can you help?