Lebanese Christian families and Christian refugees in Lebanon in desperate need of food and medicine – can you help?
“Families are struggling to make ends meet, while refugee communities are on the brink of starvation or already starving.”
These were the words used by our project partner on the ground in Lebanon appealing for assistance for vulnerable Christians. “The economic crisis continues with no obvious end in sight and has taken a toll on nearly all people living in Lebanon.”
Lebanon’s economy has collapsed with inflation rising to over 250%, severely crippling everyone’s ability to afford even the basics. Among those most affected are our fellow Christians, who make up about a third of the population.
Lebanon has also become a melting pot of refugees fleeing conflict and persecution in neighbouring regions. Often with little or nothing to their name, Christian refugees amongst them live on the fringe of society. They are in desperate need.

Providing aid to vulnerable Christian families and refugees
The Lebanese economy continues disastrous. Food prices have increased by 376% in the last two years. The middle classes have become poor and the poor are now destitute.
And as costs continue to rise, healthcare and medicine become inaccessible for those that need it most. Dozens of people with cancer, diabetes and other chronic illnesses have died in the last six months because they could not afford to buy their medications.
With your support, Barnabas has been providing aid.

Will you extend your heart and hands to support Christian families and refugees in need?
How you can help
$64 could provide a food parcel for a Christian family, containing rice, pasta, sugar, bulgar, canned chicken, tomato paste, oil and ghee
$117 could provide much-needed medication for a Christian who can’t access the healthcare they need (average cost of medication for a Christian in need of treatment)