Help us support two Christian refugee families arriving in NZ

14 July 2024

Barnabas Aid New Zealand (BANZ) is delighted to welcome two Christian refugee families to New Zealand under the government’s new Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship (CORS) programme.

Barnabas, along with two partnering churches, will provide comprehensive settlement support over the next two years. This includes helping the families secure housing, enrol in education and health services, find employment, and form meaningful connections within their new community and church whānau

The Barnabas Aid New Zealand (BANZ) team were waiting at the airport to welcome the first of the two refugee families arriving in the country

Every day, thousands of people are forced to flee their homes due to conflict and religious persecution, with more than 101.1 million people currently displaced globally. Despite this staggering number, less than 1% of refugees find permanent resettlement each year.

BANZ and our church partners are committed to helping these two Christian families rebuild their lives. By God’s grace, we also aim to enrich our own communities by breaking down barriers and building stronger, more inclusive societies.

To make this possible, we are reaching out to our Barnabas family/whānau for support. Your contributions will help us provide essential services and support to these families. Your donation will be tax deductible and your support will make a real difference in their journey as these families make New Zealand their home.

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