When William Siraj was shot dead last Sunday (30 January) on his way home after preaching at a church service in Pakistan, his family was left bereft in more ways than one. Their beloved husband, father and grandfather had gone, as well as one whose pension provided income for the family. Barnabas Fund, too, mourned because William was the brother of our dear Pakistan Coordinator, Wilson Saraj. We are sending help to the family, as Wilson goes to visit, and we will continue to assist as needs arise.

William Siraj was martyred on Sunday 30 January. His funeral took place the following day. Barnabas Fund is helping the family with the costs
It was the same in September 2013 when William’s son-in-law Robin was amongst more than 120 Christians who died in a suicide bomb attack at a church in Peshawar. Barnabas Fund helped many injured Christians with medical care, and we supported the newly widowed and their children for seven years.
Two Pakistani Christian sewage workers died on 3 October 2021 as they rescued another Christian who had lost consciousness after being forced to go down into in a sewer full of toxic gases. Barnabas has given financial help to their widows, Mariam and Anum.

Robin Bhatti, son-in-law of William Siraj, died in a huge suicide bomb attack at his church in September 2013, along with more than 120 other worshippers. Barnabas Fund assisted the injured and the widows
Sometimes the martyred breadwinner is a woman. Sonia, a devout Christian, declined an offer of marriage from a Muslim because it would have meant converting to Islam. Her rejected suitor threatened to kill her and soon afterwards she was shot in the street and died. Sonia’s job as a domestic servant had been an important source of income for the family. Barnabas sent help to the family.

Sonia Bibi’s wages as a domestic servant were important to her family. She was murdered when she refused to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim. Barnabas Fund sent help to the family
These are just a few of the Pakistani Christian victims of violence assisted recently by Barnabas, thanks to the generous giving of our supporters.
Sad to say, violence against Christians is increasing. But a gift to our Victims of Violence in Pakistan Fund will bring practical help to grieving families who have been suddenly afflicted by financial troubles as well as the loss of a loved one.
Just £20 ($27; €24) will pay for about half the basic food needs of a family for a month.