Will it never end? Conflict and turmoil. Displaced and refugees. The Middle East, where our Lord lived, is wracked by violence as more and more desperate people flee their homes.
Jordan is giving safety and security to hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria and Iraq, including many Christians.
But it is too dangerous for the Christians to live in the Muslim-dominated refugee camps; they must fend for themselves. They turn to the churches for help, and the churches turn to Barnabas Fund.

Your donation will enable us to keep saying yes.
Our project partner wrote to us that “[Iraqi Christian refugees in Jordan] have seen an increase in 2019 due to tensions inside many parts of Iraq.” And already in 2020 we have been close to all-out war in Syria, seeing more Christians uprooted and seeking a refuge. Many of the refugees in Jordan are children, many are disabled.

But we are not helpless. We can pray for peace and we can give to help needy Christian refugees in Jordan.
Even £15 ($20; €18) a month can make a difference for an extended family of eight or nine people.