Young Supun only has one kidney; the other became cancerous and has been removed. “My family is very helpless because of my illness,” he says. There is no electricity or toilet in their home, and they get water from a neighbour’s house. Every day is a struggle to find enough to eat, let alone the medication that Supun desperately needs.

“We live in the midst of many difficulties. Even food is very difficult to obtain,” said grey-haired Wima. Sri Lanka is in the grip of its worst economic crisis for seven decades, with general inflation running at nearly 60% and food inflation at 80%. Fuel shortages are so severe that the schools have been closed this week. Wima’s husband used to work as a labourer but there is no work for him now. She herself suffers frequent dizziness and memory loss.

Orphaned Pushpa needs daily medicine for her thyroid condition. Barnabas is helping to feed her and her sister
Supan, Wima and their families are amongst the 665 Christian families (approximately 4,655 people) who are receiving food relief in the first phase of our project to feed 2,000 of the neediest Christian families in 22 districts of Sri Lanka.

Many Christians in Sri Lanka live in terrible poverty. Runaway inflation has put them in a desperate situation. Please help feed them.
“At a time like this, the bag of dry food items provided is very valuable to us. May God bless your organisation. I pray to God for you,” said Wima.
Ninety-one of the families also received help towards self-sufficiency, with the gift of chickens and vegetable seed.
Working through pastors’ fellowships and local churches, the neediest believers in each district are identified for help – the widows, disabled and very poor.

Prayerful Supun, who only has one kidney, says “God bless you” for providing his hungry family with food
A family food parcel costs approximately £18.50 ($24; €22).
A family self-sufficiency start-up pack costs around £23 ($30; €27).
Please show your love in a practical way and help our Sri Lankan brothers and sisters in this desperate time of crisis.