How you can support the suffering Church

Christians praying in Pakistan. Do you have a desire to help and support suffering Christians around the world?

As a world-renowned international aid agency, Barnabas Aid serves the global suffering Church by channelling practical aid to Christians in over 80 countries. This is an opportunity to be part of an organisation that transforms the lives of our brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Do you have the desire to help and support Christians around the world? Barnabas Aid is looking for passionate and committed individuals to partner with us in our ministry to the suffering and persecuted Church. If you are interested in volunteering as a church partner, area partner or Barnabas speaker, or applying for a paid position as a regional co-ordinator, we would love to hear from you.

Church partners are representatives of Barnabas Aid within their own congregations. As a church partner, your role will be to raise awareness of the work of Barnabas and the needs of the global Church. This might involve raising items for prayer, or perhaps starting a prayer meeting for the suffering Church using Barnabas resources such as our prayer diary or our Prayer Focus Update. Church partners also distribute our bi-monthly magazine to others in the church, or reprint our features and articles in church magazines or newsletters.

Barnabas church partners may also request that church leaders mark special events, such as our annual Suffering Church Action and Awareness Week (usually the last week in October). They can organise collections for the work of Barnabas or the kind of fundraising activities you may have seen reported in our magazine. Church partners also take the lead in requesting Barnabas speakers.

Volunteer area partners perform a similar role for a particular region of the country, helping to support and co-ordinate the work of church partners and seeking to generate speaking opportunities at different churches. 

Volunteer Barnabas speakers are those who visit churches and Christian organisations in order to explain the challenges faced by the persecuted and suffering Church, as well as testifying how the prayers of faithful believers together with their generous giving enable Barnabas to meet the needs of our Christian brothers and sisters. A Barnabas speaker’s aim is to encourage people to respond, mainly by praying, giving financially to the work, or perhaps donating food or medical items to our and programmes.

If you are interested in any of these voluntary roles please visit: