Relief aid arrives swiftly for flood victims in Pakistan

A family stands for a photo with their Barnabas-funded food aid on the table in front of them. The Christians who live in the house behind them, like many local Christian families, have painted a large cross on their wall to show their faith.

Barnabas Aid acted swiftly to help Christians who lost their homes, farms, crops and livestock in the floods that devastated Pakistan in August and September. 

One result of the flooding is that sources of safe drinking water have been contaminated, leading to increased risk of dehydration and of disease resulting from drinking infected water. Barnabas has supplied safe drinking water, hygiene items, medicines and mosquito nets to alleviate the suffering of our Christian family. 

The floods displaced more than 33 million people, among them many of our brothers and sisters. Homes, schools, hospitals and church buildings were either damaged or completely destroyed. 

Food and other aid is distributed at a church in Sindh. Thank you for helping us to help our Pakistani Christian family.

“Chand”, left, 55-year-old tenant farmer living with his family in a remote village, saw his cotton and rice crops destroyed by the flood. Chand thanked Barnabas Aid and our project partners for journeying into the remote and flood-affected region to bring food for him and his family, rejoicing that God had sent aid “to His people through His people”.












Many families, having seen their homes damaged or destroyed by the flood waters, have been forced to make shelters on roads or other patches of higher land. Barnabas has provided plastic sheets to help families who are in this situation make temporary shelters. In the weeks and months ahead, thanks to your donations, our partners in Pakistan can begin the work of repairing and rebuilding homes.

Barnabas provided food, hygiene items, medicines, tents, mosquito nets and supplies of drinking water to sustain thousands of Christian families in the worst-affected province, Sindh. We also funded repairs at Tank Christian Hospital, where the floods damaged the building and its facilities. As the flood waters recede, we will be helping repair homes of Christians.

Project reference 41-919 Christian flood victims in Pakistan