Barnabas Fund contacts are requesting prayers for a young Christian convert from Islam falsely accused, tortured and imprisoned for his faith in China.
“James”, a Kyrgyz musician from the distant mountain villages of the province of Xinjiang, went on trial with a friend in 2017 on false charges of terrorism. They were jailed for 16 years and James’ family was forbidden initially from visiting. Only recently have his relatives been allowed to see him in prison, but behind a glass window.

Christian couple “Mary” and her husband “Matthew” were working in Urumqi city in northwest China when they met James in January 2016. He went to their home to learn to play the komuz (a traditional stringed instrument) in lessons given by Mary, a professional musician. The couple shared the Gospel with him and he came to know and follow the Lord.
James began to evangelise. He brought several of his friends to Christ and in July 2016, when he needed to return to his home in an isolated mountain village in the province of Xinjiang, he led several villagers, including his sister, to come to know the Lord.
In October 2016, James was arrested. He was taken to the police station where he was tortured, beaten for three days and accused of being linked to terrorists. Police also seized his Bible and all his Christian literature. He was held under house arrest for a year before his court trial in November 2017.
Mary and Matthew are asking Barnabas Fund supporters to pray for James, and others imprisoned with him, asking God to grant them the strength to remain faithful and to use them for His glory.
From Barnabas Fund contacts.