Urgent Aid for Christians affected by Coronavirus and Lockdown delivered through Barnabas Coronavirus Emergency Network

16 April 2020

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Barnabas Fund’s Coronavirus Emergency Network has now given more than half a million pounds of aid to hard-pressed Christian communities
Persecuted and impoverished Christians in 14 different countries have received food and support  from a worldwide Barnabas Coronavirus Emergency Network (BCEN), coordinated by the leading Christian aid agency, Barnabas Fund.
The network includes more than 90 partner organisations including major Christian denominational networks, and theological colleges, Barnabas Fund has now distributed £562,921.90 ($692,393.94; $1,128,911.72 AUD; $1,164,122.49 NZD; €646,628.39) across 14 different countries including Albania, Armenia,  Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Nigeria, South Africa (grants which benefit multiple African countries), South-East Asia, Sri Lanka, and Uganda. This aid also includes support for Christians in East Africa and Pakistan affected by swarms of locusts during recent weeks. For them the coronavirus is a second massive blow.
“The emergency prompted by Covid-19 is causing a massive crisis for poor and persecuted Christian communities across the world,” said Hendrik Storm, Barnabas Fund’s coordinator for BCEN.  
“The lockdown in many countries itself threatens the very existence of the church as well as the livelihoods of many ministers and pastors. We are distributing massive amounts of food aid by a network of Christian partner organisations throughout the world.”
Barnabas Fund is receiving an unprecedented number of requests both for funds and prayers from Christian leaders across the world:  

  • Madasgascar: “Everything is locked down and numbers of infections are increasing. We need God to help us. Nevertheless, the ‘lockdown’ affects people’s life in Madasgascar because most of the people live day-to-day. Many informal markets are closed, only supermarkets are open during the day and yet things … are expensive and not all can afford them. We are in crisis.”
  • South-west Kenya: “…We have a curfew from 7pm to 5am… Many people in our country will not have salaries next month, many will not have their daily bread, the rate of crime will be higher, our social support system will be wanting…Praying and trusting in the Lord to renew our strength.”
  • Rwanda: “Voices are saying that the worst is yet to come for Africa but we are not panicking. I personally try to keep all necessary preventive measures and encouraging people to do so and leave the rest to God. We try to share food with those who lost their jobs. We are all afraid that the financial crisis will be severe and yes it will, but God will make a way where it seems to be no way for us.”
  • Indonesia: “More than 20 pastors have died from Covid-19 and it is estimated that the peak of the pandemic will occur in late April or May. May God show his mercy to us all.”

Note: The Barnabas Coronavirus Emergency Network (BCEN), comprising more than 90 Christian organisations and agencies in coronavirus-affected countries across the world, will monitor the effects of the virus and of the measures taken to contain its spread on vulnerable Christian communities.

The objectives are:

  • To obtain reliable up-to-date information which Barnabas Fund will share with supporters to inform their prayers.
  • To guide Barnabas Fund’s response in terms of practical support for coronavirus-affected Christians, thus ensuring that funds given are used as effectively as possible in this unprecedented and fast-changing global emergency.

For further information on Barnabas Fund’s coronavirus response by prayer and practical support, go to: barnabasfund.org/coronavirus

For a list of BCEN members click here.

Barnabas Fund has launched a major appeal to help Christians caught up in the coronavirus and lockdown situation. To donate, click here.