There are estimated to be around 1,200 Christian families in Afghanistan, totaling 5,000 to 8,000 individuals. But only the Lord knows the true number.
As first-generation converts from Islam and their children, they face almost certain death at the hands of the Taliban, who now control virtually the whole country, and will kill them as apostates.
Unless they can escape.

This Christian family got out of Afghanistan overland earlier this week. Barnabas Aid is helping to support them
Flying from Kabul is no longer possible for most Afghans, because the Taliban forbids them to board the planes that are evacuating Westerners unless they have the right approvals. But many Afghan Christians are crossing borders overland into neighboring countries.

This Christian family is still displaced within Afghanistan, but Barnabas Aid has helped with their basic needs
Barnabas Aid is in direct contact with 306 Afghan Christian families, that is around 2,000 individuals. We are currently assisting about 400 Afghan Christians (men, women and children) who have recently escaped into a neighboring country. We are caring for another 400 still in Afghanistan. We are also preparing to enable 1,200 to get out of Afghanistan and into safe countries.
- We are supporting the living costs of Christians in hiding in Afghanistan.
- We are supporting the living costs of Christians who have recently got out to neighboring countries.
- We will be funding flights for Christians to travel from the region to safer countries.
- We will need to fund them for a period as they settle into their new safe countries.
Prices are fluctuating, but current costs are:
$275 is the typical cost of an air ticket to fly one Christian out of the region to a safe country.
$200 provides one month’s food and accommodation for an Afghan family on the move within the country, cut off from their normal means of support.
$40 provides food, rent and utilities for a week for a family newly arrived in a neighboring country.
Barnabas Aid’s long experience of rescuing Christians
Barnabas Aid has a long track record of rescuing Christians in danger and bringing them to safety.
Through our Operation Safe Havens, we have rescued more than 8,000 South Sudanese Christians, by plane and bus, who needed to escape from the Islamic northern Sudan. We have also rescued over 1,700 Syrian and Iraqi Christians, helping them to settle in safe Western countries, paying visas, airfares, living costs on arrival. Over the years we have rescued many others.
Join us in saving lives of Afghan Christians