“Death seems all around us,” said “Naomie”, a Christian in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She was speaking to Barnabas Aid’s regional coordinator about the situation in her country.
As kingdoms rise against each other, and we endure earthquakes, famine and pestilence described by Jesus (Luke 21:10-12), the continent of Africa is in agony.
Anti-Christian violence is rampant in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Millions of refugees are in desperate need.

“Death seems all around us.”
Relentless jihadi attacks in Burkina Faso are driving millions of people from their homes. Christians must worship secretly or quietly to avoid attack.
“The terrorists prevent people from farming,” A Christian told one of our project partners. “Granaries and barns have been destroyed in many villages. They carry away all the cattle.”
At least 11,000 Christians of Northern and Middle Belt Nigeria have died in a hotbed of violent persecution since 2015. Crops, homes and churches are destroyed and those who cannot escape are killed.

Can you help Christian refugees who have fled persecution and have nothing? Anything you give can help provide food, water and shelter [Image credit: Pierre Kremer]
Sudan is also wracked with conflict. Recent reports place internally displaced people (IDPs) at two million with 600,000 fleeing to neighboring countries like Chad and South Sudan. With Christian homes and churches targeted, our brothers and sisters have joined the mass exodus escaping the terror.
“They need food, water and shelter. Some are staying in the open ground… They’re in critical conditions…” said an email from a church leader in South Sudan on the overwhelming needs of refugees fleeing the war.
Can you bless believers in Africa and help them endure violence and persecution?
In the face of hardship and persecution, brave Christians in Africa have remained steadfast in their faith. Please pray for peace and security, and that the Lord will continue to provide for His people.
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”
(2 Corinthians 4:8-9)
$4.40 could provide 22 lbs. of sorghum grain to help feed displaced Christians in Burkina Faso
$4 could provide a roofing sheet to be used to roof a house in Nigeria
$10 could provide a bag of cement to help efforts to rebuild homes in Nigeria
$48 could provide a sack of maize for persecuted Christians in Nigeria
$95 could provide a sack of beans for persecuted Christians in Nigeria
$30 could provide a set of trauma-counseling training materials (manual and text book) for one church leader in DRC