Indonesia is on the brink of catastrophe, said the Red Cross on 29 June, describing the escalating Covid-19 disaster. The extra-infectious Delta variant is racing through the population of this, the largest country in south-east Asia.
“The Covid rage in Indonesia is cried out as emergency and uncontrollable … It’s very much troubling. We pray and pray for His mercy,” ran an email from an Indonesian Christian leader to Barnabas Fund.
Another message pleaded, “If Barnabas Fund would consider to do something meaningful and strategic to the Christian hospitals and patients … this is indeed the Kairos time of God.”

There is a desperate need for basic hospital equipment as a second wave of Covid-19 engulfs Indonesia
Save Christian lives in Covid-plagued Indonesia
Indonesian hospitals are choked and overflowing. Some have moved their emergency rooms to outdoor tents to create more space indoors for ICU wards for Covid patients. Existing lockdown restrictions are about to be tightened, causing even more suffering for the neediest families.
East Nusa Tenggara is a mainly Christian province of Indonesia – very poor, remote and under-resourced by the government. Barnabas Fund is seeking to say “yes” to repeated desperate requests for help from a Covid-designated hospital there. What they need is very simple – and with your gifts we can do it.
Indonesian Christians are also appealing to Barnabas Fund for food aid. With your help we can feed hungry Indonesian Christians to stave off their hunger and strengthen their bodies to resist the virus.

Will you help our Indonesian Christian brothers and sisters in their time of suffering?
Approximate costs are:
$12 could pay for a family food parcel containing items such as rice, noodles, cooking oil, tinned sardines
$20 could buy 200 quality face masks
$36 could buy 15 boxes of rapid antigen tests
$45 could buy 10 personal protective gowns for hospital staff