A highly infectious strain of Covid-19 has overwhelmed India, producing “a health and economic crisis of unprecedented proportions and a collapse of the health infrastructure,” as an Indian Christian doctor wrote to Barnabas Fund.

Please help Barnabas provide urgently needed equipment for this and many other Christian hospitals in India, as they struggle to cope with Covid
Will you help Barnabas equip and strengthen Christian hospitals and health workers in India, that they may not sink under the weight of Covid needs?
Desperate shortages, agonising dilemmas
They are desperately short of supplies, even PPE. Many lack sufficient equipment and the machines needed to provide oxygen to their patients.
Even if they have the medical machines, they do not necessarily have enough power to run them all at the same time. Imagine the agonising dilemma of doctors if they have to choose between saving the life of one desperately sick Covid patient on a ventilator or ten moderately ill Covid patients whose treatment uses simpler machines and less electricity.
Barnabas is providing
Barnabas Fund is providing PPE kits and extra electricity generators for Christian hospitals across India.
We are fully equipping a new ten-bed Covid Care Centre in Gujarat with everything from sheets and mattresses to oxygen concentrators and a crash trolley. God willing, we would like to provide another ten Covid Care Centres like this.
We are also facilitating Christian health workers to visit Covid-19 patients in their homes, by providing salaries, motor-scooters, thermometers and oximeters.
All this is coordinated by an emergency task force of Indian Christian medical ministries, which Barnabas has brought together, working through the Christian Medical Association of India and the Emmanuel Hospital Association.

Barnabas is funding a new ten-bed Covid Care Centre for this Indian hospital. With your help and by God’s grace, we would like to do ten more
Jesus the healer
Our Saviour Jesus “healed all who were ill” (Matthew 8:16). And His followers down the centuries have been known for their passionate concern for the sick.
Your gift today will enable Barnabas to stand with frontline Christian medical workers in India, supporting them in a very practical way as well as with our prayers. Approximate costs are:
- 1 PPE kit (for one medical staff person for one 8-hour shift) $6
- 1 mattress $14
- 1 pulse oximeter for a home health worker $22
- 1 oxygen cylinder (type D) $230
- 1 oxygen concentrator $1,900
- 1 generator $10,900
- A new ten-bed Covid Care Centre, fully equipped $33,000