Imagine your home was ransacked and burnt by anti-Christian rioters four months ago. You are still living in temporary accommodation. The weather was sweltering hot when you lost your home but now it is cold and you don’t even have a quilt or blanket to keep warm. This is reality for hundreds of Christians from Jaranwala, Pakistan.
Imagine you live in a remote mountainous area. Winter is closing in and temperatures may soon fall as low as -22⁰F. There are coal mines nearby, but you have nothing to heat your home with. That is reality for many Christians in Kyrgyzstan.
A Christian family in Kyrgyzstan receiving coal from Barnabas to keep them warm during the winter months last year. We want to help more families this year. Can you give a gift?
Imagine going to church when the weather outside is below freezing and the church’s heating system doesn’t work. That is reality for some Christians in Uzbekistan.
Imagine you are a Syrian Christian refugee who has fled to Lebanon. You have no job. Snow is expected next month. How can you heat the little apartment that you share with several other families?
Imagine you are a Ukrainian Christian living close to the front, under threat of bombardment. Because of the war, there is little gas or electricity anymore and therefore your home has no power or heating. You desperately need a wood-burning stove to cook on and keep your family warm.
“We are very grateful to all of you people that participated in this … all the people that are here are very thankful because they live in cold, and today they want to send you thousands of thanks. Thanks to God and thanks to you. May God bless you.” Christians in Ukraine are grateful to Barnabas Aid supporters who are providing them with wood-burning stoves this winter
This is the time of year when Barnabas Aid receives many requests from the northern hemisphere, asking us to help poor and persecuted Christians stay warm during winter. Our project partners on the ground select the neediest families – families who have lost their breadwinner, children whose parents cannot care for them, the elderly.