September 18, 2020

Another 58 people were murdered and 17 kidnapped by militants in a mainly Christian area of northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). “People were killed with every sort of weapon,” said a villager.

In anti-Christian attacks in Burkina Faso, it is often the men who are killed, leaving widows and fatherless children without a protector and provider.

Bringing Smiles in Burkina Faso

At the end of May 2020, 58 people died in anti-Christian attacks in Burkina Faso, West Africa. In August 2020, a group of children were killed, which is unusual, as men tend to be the main targets. The youngsters, on their way home by cart after a day grazing their families’ livestock, were killed by an improvised explosive device planted on the road in a mainly Christian area. These are just two examples of anti-Christian violence.

“The security challenge caused by jihadi groups is increasing in many parts of Burkina Faso. It is causing the closure of churches, dislocation of communities, displacement of families, people cannot cultivate their fields any more to grow crops for food, and they can no longer do the work they were doing before to earn their living.” This was the stark message to Barnabas Aid last month from a Christian leader in Burkina Faso, West Africa.


This was the stark message to Barnabas Aid from a Christian leader in Burkina Faso. In response, we sent funds for maize, rice and cooking oil for some of the neediest families.

Joy in the Midst of Persecution

“Every day we witness looting, fires, kidnappings, killings, and massive displacement of populations towards town centres.” A church leader from Cameroon shared with Barnabas Fund this extract from a speech he made. Then he spoke of the joy that was felt because of the millet, soap, clothes, blankets and sleeping mats that Barnabas had provided for the homeless survivors of the persecution.

“God is good, God is good, God is good forever,” sang widowed Madeleine when she received her package of aid.

Marie burst into tears when given her allocation, and affirmed again and again in her mother tongue, “The God of Jesus Christ has visited me.”

Thousands of Christians in West Africa have to abandon their homes, possessions and crops when they flee violence; they desperately need food and other basic items.

Greater Violence, Greater Hunger

Anti-Christian violence is escalating in West Africa and Central Africa, as militants take advantage of the Covid crisis. Prices are escalating too. But you can bring smiles and joy with your gift to Barnabas Aid.

$9 could provide two women’s hygiene kits in Cameroon

$18 could provide a blanket and sleeping mat in Cameroon

$32 could buy a more than 200-lb. sack of maize in Burkina Faso

$36 could buy a more than 100-lb. sack of rice in Burkina Faso

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