Thank You for Helping Christians in Beirut After the Explosion

August 14, 2020

We would like to say thank you to all our supporters who responded so generously to the appalling tragedy that unfolded in Lebanon starting August 4, 2020.

The explosion at the port caused major devastation and loss of lives, but Barnabas Aid supporters rose up and gave promptly and generously to help our Christian brothers and sisters affected by this terrible event.

The Christian neighborhood of Gemmayze was less than half a mile from the blast site.

Food and Repairs

We have already sent over $111,000 to assist Christians with food and repair of their homes. All those being assisted were already very poor and vulnerable even before the explosion. Some of those we are helping are Muslim-background believers from nearby countries, who cannot receive other aid because coming forward would reveal that they were converts from Islam, thus endangering themselves.

Food parcels contain a well-balanced range of nutritious and familiar foods, plus two hygiene items. Repairs are primarily to replace shattered window glass, as well as doors that were blown in. We are also replacing necessary items, such as mattresses, if these have been rendered unusable.

Christians in Lebanon were already desperate due to economic crisis and covid-19, even before the explosion on 4 August devastated Beirut, destroying vital stores of grain and damaging houses in a wide radius

Buildings at the port were completely flattened by the blast, and apartments in the nearby crowded neighborhoods crumbled. Four of the five neighborhoods worst affected are predominantly Christian. Windows were broken as far as 15 miles from the exploding warehouse of ammonium nitrate. Current official estimates are that 160 people were killed, with some 5,000 injured.

Supporters' donations will help our brothers and sisters in the devastated Christian area of Bourj Hammoud.

We are working through our existing trusted project partners in Lebanon, known personally to us for many years. We are confident they can deliver the aid to the neediest Christians effectively and efficiently.

If anyone would like to make a further donation, we would welcome it.

A monthly food parcel costs $35.

The average cost to repair a home is $500.

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