Your monthly gift through Living Streams can support Christian children and other believers in lands of suffering and persecution  

“I am really grateful for having a school where I can go and learn amazing things about this world and also about my faith.” These were the words of six-year-old Shyna – a young believer in Pakistan who is just one of the 11,000 Christian children to receive a place at a Christian school with help from Barnabas Aid. 

Shyna and her four-year-old sister Jessica live in a rural community in Punjab and attend a small Christian school, with fewer than 40 pupils, supported by Barnabas.

In countries where Christians are a despised and persecuted minority, Christian children can be victimised in state-run schools. This can include being marked down or failed in exams, or pressure to convert to the majority religion. Some even suffer violence at school. Many Christian children do not go to school at all, because their parents are too poor. Attending a Christian school enables Christian children to learn in a safe environment, where they start to thrive. They can also grow in the Lord through worship and Christian teaching at school.

“I am thankful for this school,” continues Shyna, “and I hope when I grow up I can support my family financially with the knowledge I gain from this place and the people here.” 

A continuous flow of hope and practical support

By joining Living Streams you can become part of a continuous life-flow helping Christians living with pressure and persecution around the world. A powerful way to do this is to sponsor a schoolchild – Barnabas currently supports over 120 Christian schools – yet this is only one of our Living Streams programmes.

Through our feeding programme, you can provide a nutritious monthly food parcel for a Christian family struggling with severe poverty. A monthly gift to our Pastors and Evangelists programme will support church workers serving faithfully, despite hardship and hostility, within their own country or people group. A regular donation to our Bibles and Scriptures fund will help to fund the distribution of Bibles, New Testaments or portions of Scripture. 

You’ll receive regular updates on how your support is helping Christians in need. If you choose to sustain a family or sponsor a child, we’ll also send you a prayer card with a photograph and details of the believers you’re helping. 

“I see that when we are faithful and patient, God will accomplish for us, in the right time, wonderful things,” said a Bible translator in West Africa. Through faithful and patient giving, you too can see God accomplish wonderful things for our suffering brothers and sisters.

$30 per month*

could sustain a Christian family living in poverty with monthly food parcels


per month* could support an evangelist or pastor in their ministry 


per month* could sponsor a Christian child throughout their school years and see them grow in the Lord 


per month* could strengthen suffering Christians through the grace of God’s Word 

*Suggested amounts are based on typical costs. But you can join Living Streams by regular donations of any amount.

Please note that we cannot normally arrange for the exchange of letters between a sponsor and those they are sponsoring. This is because of security issues in areas of persecution and to keep down administration costs, so that we can maximise the help given to needy Christians.

Project references: 00-1500 Family feeding sponsorship fund; 00-477 Pastor support fund; 00-478 Evangelist support fund; 00-514 School place sponsorship fund; 00-362 Bibles and Scriptures fund