Iranian Convert Released From Prison but Charges Against Him Remain

March 2, 2021

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Iranian Christian convert Ebrahim Firouzi was conditionally released from prison on bail on February 27, but the charges against him remain in place.

The 34-year-old, who has already spent more than six years in prison, was jailed on February 8, accused of “propaganda against the Islamic Republic in favor of hostile groups” and “insulting the sacred” in relation to his claims of harassment by the Iranian intelligence service.

The persecution of convert Ebrahim Firouzi by Iranian intelligence agents has made his life in exile "more inhumane," according to The Council of United Iranian Churches. [Image credit: Article18]

Ebrahim, who was already serving a 35-month sentence of exile before his recent imprisonment, began a hunger strike in protest of the new charges on February 13. He ended the hunger strike after receiving a visit from two intelligence agents who assured him that his case would be “dealt with.”

The Council of United Iranian Churches (Hamgaam) has called on the authorities to “stop persecuting” Ebrahim. In a statement issued on February 22, it said, “The Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic has not stopped harassing and persecuting Mr. Firouzi, even in exile, and by making new charges and confiscating his property, it has made life more inhumane and difficult for him in his exile.”

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