One Christian Killed and Two Injured in Islamic Attack in Egypt

December 21, 2020

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One Christian was killed and two others injured in an Islamist extremist attack on a Christian-owned shop in al-Wardayan district, Alexandria, Egypt.

Ramsis Boulos Hermina, his brother Adel Hermina, and Tareq Fawzy Shenouda were stabbed and beaten by Muslim extremists armed with clubs, knives and a sword.

Ramsis Boulos Hermina, who was killed in an extremist attack, pictured outside his shop in Alexandria [Image credit: Wataninet]

All three men were hospitalised and received urgent care, but Ramsis Hermina died from his injuries.

The attack was allegedly carried out by two brothers, one named as Nasser al-Sambo, who has a history of harassing and bullying the Christian community.

The Muslim men attacked Ramsis as he was working in his shop, stabbing him in the neck and abdomen. Adel Hermina was stabbed in the side, while Tareq Fawzy Shenouda was hit on the head with a club and stabbed in the chest when the two men came to the aid of the injured shop owner.

The two attackers were arrested but have denied charges of murder and assault. They remain in police custody, amid concerns within the Christian community that further legal action will not be taken.

Last month a Muslim mob took to the streets in al-Barsha village, Minya governorate, Upper Egypt, attacking Christian homes and the church of Abu-Seifein.

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