The appalling tragedy that is Syria baffles understanding.
Ravaged by ten years of civil war … and still no peace.
Nearly half a million dead. Vast swathes of buildings destroyed.
Shortages of fuel, medicines, even food.
Cut off from help by American sanctions.
Covid-19 rampaging through the population.
Millions of displaced and refugees.

Even worse for Christians
For Syrian Christians it is even worse. Before the war began, they enjoyed respect from the Muslim majority and were treated as equals – perhaps uniquely in any Muslim-majority Arab country. But Islamist groups amongst the rebels changed all that. Anti-Christian hostility grew and flourished while all around was death and destruction.
Many Syrian Christians have left their beloved homeland and are now eking out an unofficial existence in neighbouring Lebanon. But Lebanon is on her knees, as political and economic crises have dealt blow after blow, crowned with last year’s huge explosion in Beirut.
The official refugee camps are dominated by Syrian Muslims; that makes Syrian Christians very vulnerable, so they steer clear of the camps and try to find their own accommodation somehow. But that means they don’t get the international aid that refugees in the camps receive.

Help Syrian Christian refugees in Lebanon
Working through the churches, Barnabas is helping some of the neediest Syrian Christian refugees in Lebanon.
We cannot give them the peace and stability they pray and long for. We cannot take away the memories of the horrors they have seen. But we can help them buy medicines or rent a small room to live in, or put food on the table. Even £35 ($50; €42) a month can be a significant help.
Please give now.