The worship that God wants is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help (James 1:27)
“We do not even have enough money to live but we have a strong belief in our Lord Jesus Christ that He will provide for us because He is our Provider.” Naila is a Christian widow in Pakistan with two small children and her mother to support. She works as a maid in a private home, a dangerous job for Christian women because they are very vulnerable to abuse, young widows especially. Naila earns 73p ($0.95; €0.84) a day – not enough to cover her family’s basic needs and her daughter’s school fees. Naila’s misery and shame are so great that she tried four times to hang herself, but now is determined to live for the sake of her children.

The widow’s mite
Balqees is a widow with six children. She used to work as a hospital cleaner, but one day a male nurse asked her to sleep with him. When she refused, he banned her from the maternity ward. In the maternity ward, cleaners would often be given tips by the patients, so this ban had a serious effect on Balqees’ already low income.

One day, Balqees had just 16p ($0.20; €0.18). She put 5p ($0.07; €0.06) in the church offering, leaving herself with only 11p ($0.14; €0.13). “On that day a man of the Lord was distributing money in the emergency ward to all cleaning staff. He gave me money and I bought flour for bread. That day I was very thankful to my Lord for providing money since I was left with no food,” recalls Balqees. “Whenever I remember this verse, 'The Lord watches over the sojourners, he upholds the widow and the fatherless … ' (Psalm 146:9 RSV) I feel comfort from our Lord Jesus Christ and I strongly believe that He will help me and provide for me and also take care of my children.”
Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.
(Psalm 68:5 RSV)
You can care for Christian widows in Pakistan
The Bible tell us that “the worship that God wants is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help” (James 1:27 ERV).
Barnabas Fund is supporting 300 destitute Christian widows in Pakistan. The locally run church project provides food parcels (just £20 ($26; €23) a month) and other needs as they arise, such as health care if there is sickness in the family or rent if they cannot pay it. The project will also help widows recover their possessions if seized by their landlord in lieu of unpaid rent; these would be basic items like quilts, clothes, chairs and fans which the family need for daily living.
Naila says, “In our society no one helps poor people, especially young widows. Rather, they pass abusive comments.”
But through Barnabas Fund you can help them.
Please give now - or set up a regular monthly donation.