“Our efforts have been fruitless,” said a Christian farmer in northern Kenya, “due to wild animals invading our farms and eating everything – hippos, elephants and buffalos. Families have been struggling with nothing to eat.”
Wild animals devouring what little the farmers have managed to grow is yet one more problem to add to the prolonged drought, which is biting ever deeper. Crops fail, livestock perish, and the all-important water source, the Tana River, dwindles and dries up. Children in northern Kenya have already begun to die of hunger.

Food aid from Barnabas is prepared for distribution to hungry Kenyan Christians
The next rainy season, October to December, is forecast to be short and light across most of the country. The whole of East Africa is in the grip of a hunger crisis.
It’s not too late to save their lives
Barnabas Aid is continuing to feed Christians in northern Kenya. Here our fellow-believers are a minority and do not get help from the main aid agencies in the area.
“People are so thankful for the food and support,” said one pastor as his congregation received maize flour, beans and cooking oil funded by Barnabas. “They are also happy that they are remembered by the people of God.”

Barnabas-funded food is being distributed to believers in Christian-minority northern Kenya. Can you help us to continue sending practical support to our brothers and sisters?
Our project partners have appealed to Barnabas for more food relief, to keep Christians alive while they plan for long-term drought mitigation.
Strength for today, hope for tomorrow
Your gift will bring them “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow”.
Please help us to keep helping our brothers and sisters in their time of need.
10kg maize flour £7 ($8.60; €8.15)
5kg beans £5.70 ($6.90; €6.65)
2 litres cooking oil £5.30 ($6.50; €6.20)
Food for one family for a month £18 ($22; €21)
Heavenly Father,
Our Creator and Provider,
In Your mercy and compassion
Please provide for the needs
Of our brothers and sisters
And all who are hungry
In East Africa today.
We ask in the Name of Jesus.