“Albertine” longs to go to school. But she and her family have uprooted and fled from extremist violence in her homeland, Burkina Faso. The schools where Albertine now lives won’t accept her. Without education, what hope does she have for the future?
It is the same for many other displaced Christian children in Burkina Faso. Some of them are refused school places specifically because of their Christian faith.
“Sipho” from Zimbabwe has a school to go to. But does he have the strength to walk there? Or concentrate on his studies? Many Christian children in Zimbabwe are sick and weak from malnutrition. The result is they cannot study. What hope do they have for the future?

“Albertine” and some of her Christian friends in Burkina Faso have been uprooted from their homes by the country’s growing extremist violence. Many children like this are refused places in local schools because they are Christians
“Ardit” nearly had to drop out of school, because his parents could not afford suitable clothes and shoes for him, let alone books and stationery. He lives in Albania, the poorest country in Europe, where Christians are among the poorest people in a Muslim-majority society. So Christian children like Ardit struggle to receive an education – an education that gives hope for them and for the whole Church in Albania.

Proper shoes enable “Ardit” and other children from poor Christian families in Albania to continue at school
You can give them hope for the future
Through Barnabas Aid you can help Albertine, Sipho, Ardit and many other needy and vulnerable Christian children in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Albertine could attend an emergency school project set up for malnourished IDP Christian children in Burkina Faso where hot food is provided too.
Sipho could get a daily portion of ePap porridge, full of vitamins, minerals and protein, to give him energy for school.
Ardit could have school clothes, shoes, books and a school bag so that he can continue his education.
Please help these children.
£3.60 ($5.10; €4.20) could provide enough ePap porridge to strengthen a child like “Sipho” for a month, or a child under seven for two months.
£12 ($15; €14) could buy a pair of school shoes for “Ardit” in Albania
£31 ($37; €36) could provide three months of education and nourishing food for “Albertine” at an emergency school for Christian IDP children in Burkina Faso