Two thousand years ago a new-born baby was lying in a manger because His mother, in her poverty, had nowhere else to put Him.
As we celebrate our Saviour’s humble birth, many Christian children around the world are needy and hungry. Their parents are too poor even to feed them properly, especially in places affected by frequent droughts such as Zimbabwe and Madagascar.
Malnourishment in the early years can have a life-long impact. Growth is stunted. And hungry children cannot concentrate on their lessons, or sometimes have not even strength to walk to school. So their education is hindered, damaging their future prospects.

Your Christmas gift can give hope and health to malnourished Christian children
A special porridge called ePap, made from maize and soya beans with added vitamins and minerals, quickly brings health to malnourished children.
A 500g bag of ePap costs only £1.25 ($1.70; €1.40) when Barnabas Fund buys in bulk. This will last an older child for 10 days, or a young child for 20 days. Improvement can be seen after a few weeks of daily ePap, and the full effect is achieved after two months. Two months for an older child is six bags of ePap, costing £7.50 ($10.20; €8.40).

A Christmas gift of health for £7.50 ($10.20; €8.40)
Are you concerned on a daily basis how you will feed your children? Many mothers in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe, face this challenge. Some days there is nothing to eat.
Barnabas Fund is sending 81 tonnes of ePap to Zimbabwe to provide nutrition for 16,190 Christians, including at least 10,635 children under the age of 6, during the period from December 2021 to March 2022.
Teachers in Zimbabwe report how ePap is changing the lives of their pupils – good concentration, low absenteeism and no more fainting from hunger in class.
“You give them something to eat.”
When that baby in the manger grew up, He told His followers, “You give them something to eat.” (Luke 9:13)
Through Barnabas Fund you can do just that. A child of seven or over needs a daily 50g (dry weight) serving of ePap, costing 12p ($0.17; €0.14). Infants aged one to six need half that ration.