Sudanese refugees are in dire need of safety and help, said our project partner in Egypt. And faithful Egyptian churches are especially caring for the influx of Sudanese Christians who fled to Egypt because of the conflict that is still raging through Khartoum, Darfur and beyond.
Since April 2023, thousands of Sudanese have been injured or killed, and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee to neighbouring countries. Christians are a small minority in Sudan, who have endured severe persecution.

Will you help Sudanese Christian refugees settle in Egypt? They need proper housing and other basic needs [Image credit: Pierre Kremer]
Egyptian believers and their churches – themselves poor – desperately want to help these Christian refugees with everything from basic needs to providing stability with housing, work, healthcare and education. “We have opened our doors to the Sudanese Christians who have arrived in Egypt,” said our project partner.
Barnabas has been helping 800 Sudanese Christian families who fled north from Sudan into Egypt. Their church leaders went with them and are also in great need, as the congregations can no longer support them.
Will you join us in giving aid and hope to Sudanese Christian refugees in Egypt? Anything you give could be used to provide clothing, shoes, blankets, towels, rent, healthcare or other needs.
How you can help
£8 ($10; €9) could provide a blanket for a Sudanese Christian refugee family
£27 ($33; €30) could help with rent for a month for a Sudanese Christian refugee family
£50 ($60; €55) could help with the basic living costs for a week for a Sudanese Christian refugee family