“We lost our everything in the rain and floods,” said “Mithi” through her tears. She and her husband used to support their children by working as agricultural labourers. But since the devastating floods of July and August destroyed the cotton crop there has been no work for them to do, so no wages. The family eats only once a day at the moment.
The severe flooding in Pakistan’s Sindh Province has been slow to go down. Thousands of Christians like Mithi were made homeless by the floods and still do not have proper shelter or any way to earn a living. Some families have squeezed into the tiny homes of their equally poor relatives, but they cannot stay there for ever. Others are living in temporary shelters, usually set on higher ground beside roads; this is a very vulnerable situation for children, women and the elderly. To make matters worse, the cold winter months are approaching.

“Mithi” is thankful for God's help after she and her family lost everything in Pakistan's devastating floods
With help from Barnabas Aid supporters, our flood-affected Christian brothers and sisters in Sindh have received basic food, drinking water, mosquito nets, tarpaulins and other emergency items as well as medical care.
Now the floodwaters have receded enough in many places to start repairing and rebuilding the simple mud homes of these faithful Christians.
Be the answer to their prayers
“We are thankful to Barnabas for providing us food in this situation. We also thank God for sending us a helping hand,” said Mithi. She and her family have now returned from a temporary roadside shelter to their home, but it has been severely damaged by the floods.

Can you help us to provide shelter for Pakistani Christians left destitute by the floods?
She adds a prayer for Barnabas Aid: “We pray that God may help them more so that they can help in reconstruction of the damaged houses of families.”
With your help we can repair the flood-damaged homes and rebuild those which were completely destroyed. We can also provide warm sweaters and quilts to families who lost their possessions in the floods and now face the rigours of winter.
The new houses will be “semi-permanent”, having brick pillars between the mud walls and plastic sheeting under the mud roof. This will make them more resilient to future flooding.
Will you help? Will you be the answer to Mithi’s prayer?
£10 ($12; €11.50) could provide four sweaters
£23 ($27; €26) could provide six quilts
Three gifts of £100 ($120; €115) could repair one partially damaged home
£760 ($910; €880) could build a new semi-permanent house, using bricks, cement, sand, bamboo and plastic sheeting