Meditation on
the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
Who alone knows our brokenness and pain.
Who honours us by making us Your children
Equal members of Your family,
And gives us a new identity
As Your beloved chosen people,

Hallowed be Your name,
For You are pure and sinless,
You are the great I AM,
Before whom we stand in awe,
God of truth and righteousness,
God of mercy and justice.

Your kingdom come.
Let Your glorious rule
Cover the earth
And banish all injustice,
Cast out all corruption
And right all wrongs.
Set Your people free from oppression
And let Your reign begin in us.

Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Help us to accept Your purposes,
Your good and perfect plan for our lives,
As one day all creation will submit
And bow before You
In Whom is perfect peace and freedom.

Give us today our daily bread,
For we are poor and needy,
And we depend on You.
Father, provide our food and water,
Our clothing and shelter.
Day by day, our eyes look to You.

And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Father, forgive our many sins
Through the shed blood of Your Son
Who died for us and rose again.
Release us from the burden of our debts
And give us grace to forgive
Those in debt to us.
Father, make us generous and merciful.

And lead us not into temptation.
Father, give us faith to overcome
our fears, doubts and worries.
Father, do not test us more than we can bear.
Give us the strength to endure patiently,
The grace to accept and persevere.
Give us a life of godliness and contentment.

But deliver us from the evil one.
Father, rescue us from Satan’s wiles,
Free us from bondage,
Snatch us from calamity, death
And the injustice of evil men.

For yours is the kingdom,
The power and the glory.
Father, establish Your sovereign rule.
Glorify Your name and keep us safe
For now and eternity.


Based on Matthew 6:9-13
© Patrick Sookhdeo, 2021